CORIN "Zdrowy Bust" Foundation event

Tatyana Ponomareva
July 2024
CORIN Onko-Run
Sunday, June 9th was a great day for running!
The 2nd Pabianice Charity Run and March NW "CORIN Onko-Run" went down in history, but it will certainly remain in the hearts of all participants for a long time.
This unique event - "CORIN Onko-Run" and the "Healthy Family" picnic organized by the "Zdrowy Bust" Foundation and the "wszystko Gra-Pabianice" Association has become a celebration of health, courage and solidarity!
Approximately 250 fans of running and walking with poles took part in Sunday's 5 km run and march (50 people virtually)
The entire route ran among the greenery of the Freedom Park in Pabianice, where smiling people in pink and blue T-shirts covered the route by running or marching for a good cause - raising money for Martynka's treatment!
Everyone was in a good mood, without exception! Each of the participants completed the run and became the winner! Could not be different!
Why unique?
Because it was organized primarily for a little warrior - 3.5-year-old Martynka - suffering from Rett Syndrome, in order to raise funds for the continuation of her treatment.
All those who appeared in the Freedom Park in Pabianice on Sunday morning were people with big hearts who decided to help Martynka!
It was pink and blue at the start, and the wonderful weather and natural circumstances further emphasized the spirit of the event. The colors of the T-shirts were not accidental, they were symbolic - ladies ran or marched in pink to express support for women struggling with breast cancer, and men - in blue to show solidarity with those suffering from prostate and testicular cancer.
The route was certified and the competition was healthy, showing that the will to fight the disease is very important and that the disease can be overcome.
At Corin Onko-Run, it's not just about sports success, everyone is a winner here! The run and march is an expression of support for those fighting cancer. It is a manifestation of strength, determination and uplifting those who need it most. It also promotes cancer prevention and shows that a healthy lifestyle and physical activity can be an excellent tool in disease prevention as well as in the recovery process itself.
That's why all the T-shirts had the slogan: "I'm getting tested! And you?”, which should be an inspiration to take care of your own health and support others in the fight against the disease.
During the picnic, free tests were performed, including: Breast ultrasound, liquid cytology, body weight tests, breast palpation, glucose and blood pressure measurements, body shape tests. How many tests were performed? It's hard to count, certainly hundreds!
Everything was organized thanks to the help of co-organizers, sponsors and partners.
CORIN Onko-Run proved that together we can do a lot!!!